About Rwanda

Healthcare Industry

In Rwanda, there are 499 health centers and 680 health posts that mainly provide outpatient services such as immunizations and family planning. Additionally, there are numerous dispensaries and 42 district hospitals that offer basic surgical services with at least 15 doctors. Thousands of community health workers operate in the villages. The country has four national referral hospitals, including Kigali University Teaching Hospital, Butare University Teaching Hospital, and the Rwanda Military Hospital. The most advanced hospital is King Faisal Hospital, which operates on a for-profit model but accepts patients referred to it by other hospitals and clinics through the national health insurance system. It has modern equipment such as a CT and MRI machine, two dialysis machines, and a wide range of surgical capabilities. Five cancer treatment centers are available in the country, including the Rwanda Cancer Center at Butaro Hospital and facilities at the four national referral hospitals.

rwanda kigali


The 2020 World Bank Doing Business Report lists Rwanda as number 2. "The second second easiest place to do business in Africa is now 38th globally," says the report. The World Bank assessed 190 countries using 10 indicators in business regulations. These include starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, and resolving insolvency.

Rwanda ranked second in Africa after Mauritius and maintained first position in the East African Community. Rwanda is also the only low-income country in the Top 50.

“We continue to make bold and ambitious steps to improve our business environment and further Rwanda's vision of a private sector-led economic transformation, " says Clare Akamanzi, CEO of the Rwanda Development Board.

Here are some key indicators of Rwanda's economic growth:

Gross Domestic Product (GDP):

Rwanda's GDP has been steadily growing, with an average annual growth rate of around 7-8% in the years leading up to 2023. Agriculture, industry, and services have been major contributors to this growth.


Rwanda's economy depends heavily on agriculture, which employs the majority of the population. The key agricultural products include coffee, tea, bananas, maize, and livestock.


The industrial sector, comprising manufacturing, construction, and mining, is on the rise. Rwanda has been working on developing its manufacturing capacity and attracting foreign investments in various industries.


Rwanda has been actively working to improve its business environment and attract foreign investment. Initiatives such as the Kigali Special Economic Zone have been launched to create an attractive investment climate.

Infrastructure Development:

To support economic growth and regional integration, Rwanda has been investing in infrastructure development, including roads, energy, and ICT.


Despite the progress, Rwanda still faces some challenges. For example, there is limited access to electricity in rural areas, and there is a need for increased agricultural productivity. Additionally, income inequality is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed.

Ease of Doing Business in Rwanda

Rwanda, a landlocked East African nation, has become a shining example of economic progress and business-friendly policies on the African continent. Over the past decade, the country has consistently climbed the ranks in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business index, reflecting its commitment to creating a conducive environment for both local and foreign investors. In the latest report for the year 2023, Rwanda's exceptional performance stands out, earning the 38th position among 190 economies worldwide and the title of the second-best performer in Africa.

Rwanda's journey to becoming a favorable destination for business started several years ago. The government embarked on an ambitious reform program aimed at simplifying bureaucratic processes, reducing red tape, and streamlining regulatory frameworks. This commitment to reform began to yield positive results, laying the foundation for Rwanda's impressive rise in the Ease of Doing Business rankings

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Rwanda had reforms captured and reflected in 4 indicators which strongly impacted its regulatory business environment. These were:

  1. In starting a business, Rwanda made starting a business easier by exempting newly formed small and medium-size enterprises from paying the trading license tax for their first two years of operation. This improved Rwanda's ranking on the indicator from 51st in the 2019 Doing Business Report to 35th globally in 2020.
  2. In dealing with construction permits,Rwanda went up by 25-points from 106th last year to 81st globally. This was attributed to reducing the time to obtain a water and sewage connection. Rwanda also improved building quality control by requiring all construction professionals to obtain liability insurance on buildings once in use.
  3. In the getting electricity indicator,Rwanda improved the reliability ofpower supply by upgrading its power grid infrastructure. This led to the indicator improving from 68th to 59th globally.
  4. The enforcing contracts indicator saw the highest jump from 78th to 32nd globally. This was largely due to the new small claims procedure and reduction of court fees.

Kigali has been ranked the second most popular destination in Africa for hosting international conferences and events by ICCA, International Congress and Convention Association. Rwanda's popularity as a preferred MICE destination stems from its simplified visa process that allows nationals of every country in the world to get a visa on arrival in addition to its easy accessibility, due to the multitude of flight options offering connectivity to Kigali and the rest of Africa through the national carrier Rwandair.


Rwanda's government itself has taken the initiative to make it a regional trade, logistics, and conference hub. That would see several new international business class hotels, a convention center in downtown Kigali, a new inland container terminal and bonded warehouse in Kigali. The government says it “has also invested in expanding the fleet for the national carrier RwandAir and is pursuing US authorisation for a direct flight from Kigali to the United States.”

Relations with the US have flourished. As per government websites, bilateral trade in 2020 totalled $60 million. “Rwandan exports to the United States have grown significantly over the last 10 years.”

The World Bank recently said in a report: “With the support of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Rwanda has made important economic and structural reforms and sustained steady economic growth rates for over a decade until COVID-19 and its impact threatened to reverse the trend., “After a strong rebound in 2021 from the COVID-19 induced-contraction in the preceding year, the economy faced multiple challenges in 2022—pandemic scars, headwinds from the war in Ukraine, climate-related shocks, and mounting inflationary pressures. Despite these challenges, real GDP grew by 8.2% in 2022.”, The CIA calls it a “fast-growing Sub-Saharan economy.”

USAid says: “The Vision 2020 plan created by the government aims to make Rwanda a middle-income country by year 2035. Data trends suggest that Rwanda is actively moving toward achieving this goal.” Rwanda's leading sectors include energy, agriculture, trade and hospitality, and financial services. The economy is overwhelmingly rural and heavily dependent on agriculture, notes the government. The World Bank says: “Strong growth in the services sector over the past decade, particularly in construction and tourism, has contributed to overall economic growth. GNI per capita was $830 in 2019.”


The country is landlocked. This is where the African Great Lakes region and Southeast Africa converge. Kigali, the capital, is located in the middle. For the world outside, the name could suddenly bring memories of a genocide. That's old story. Rwanda has seen a decent democracy bringing not only reconciliation, but also progress and unity.

It would be interesting to note that the country boasts of a predominantly young population. Perhaps one of the youngest in any country. The Germans and Belgians have ruled Rwanda and provided it with the basics of governing a modern country that aims at the future.


The Rwandan Patriotic Front that boasts of solid leadership runs the country. Paul Kagame, leader of the party, has remained the President since 1994. The party has maintained an iron grip because they want to avoid ethnic troubles that are typical of many African societies. However, Kagame's days have seen a system that is well-appreciated by the international community., The statute, adopted in 2003 after a referendum, says in clear terms: “Political organizations are prohibited from basing themselves on race, ethnic group, tribe, clan, region, sex, religion or any other division which may give rise to discrimination."

Parliament has 61% seats filled by women, suggesting their important role.


The legal system has been drawn from German and Belgian statutes and has been supplemented by traditional law. It gives an independent status to the judiciary. Rwanda has received praise from the Human Rights Watch for its legal system. Transparency International, which tracks corruption in governance, has lauded Rwanda and rated it as the fifth cleanest of 47 Sub-Sahran countries.

The country has been admitted to the United Nations, African Union, Commonwealth of Nations, OIF and the East African Community. It is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo: all countries that have made significant progress.


The government website says: “Rwanda is one of the world's largest producers of tin, tantalum, and tungsten, and also exports gold and gemstones. Rwanda also possesses a variety of minerals such as silica sands, kaolin, vermiculite, diatomite, clays, limestone, talcum, gypsum, and pozzolan.

“Small-scale mining accounts for around 80 percent of the country's mineral output. The government is eager to formalize the sector, attract international mining investors, and increase processing of minerals in the country.

"A new Rwanda Mining, Gas and Petroleum Board was established in 2017 to coordinate government efforts in these sectors. Potential investors should note that Rwanda is subject to Section 1502 of the U.S. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which includes the 3Ts and gold.”

Leading sub sectors that are listed include Tin Ore, Tungsten, Niobium-Tantalum and Gold., Opportunities abound in the fields of mineral exploration, Tin, Coltan, and gemstones, industrial mining equipment and in forging partnership with local mining companies Mineral trading and smelting are other opportunities.

One of the fastest growing capitals in Africa, Kigali is building a new airport which would boost international connectivity. The city is estimated to contribute 41% of the national GDP. It claims an annual 4% urbanization leap. The 21 to 27 degree Celsius temperature and zero humidity are factors that add to the city's charms.

As for visitors, there are quite a few attractions in Rwanda. Kigali hosts a beautiful memorial for the 250, preserved in Kigali., The NIYO art gallery and Inema Art Centre are two major attractions for art lovers. The Kimironko Market is the place to look for all that's uniquely Rwandan when it comes to clothing, bags, fabrics, arts and crafts.

For fruit lovers, Rwanda offers avocados, mangoes, pineapples, passion fruit, bananas, and strawberry., The Nyungwe National Park in southwest Rwanda near the border with Burundi is another tourist attraction. Nyungwe is one of the oldest and biggest rainforests of the continent., 000 metres above sea level at Rusizi River, 2023 in Kigali, 000 leaders that reflects Africa's diversity, 3Ts, 000 who died in the 1994 genocide. One standing witness to the country's sad history is the Nyamata Church.

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